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AWS Startup Academy: Innovate like Amazon

AWS Startup Academy: Innovate like Amazon

AWS Startup Academy

Times of crisis create an opportunity to collaborate, invent and adapt to better serve customers, accelerating our need to build for the future. Right now more than a million AWS customers are busy creating a better tomorrow. They’re leaving the constraints of legacy behind and innovating faster, and raising the bar on performance and security. Wherever you are in your journey, AWS can support your business’ acceleration. Learn how to innovate like Amazon.

Session details

Amazon’s approach to innovation has remained consistent since the company first launched: start with the customer and work backwards. In this session, learn about Amazon’s peculiar culture and how we innovate through four distinct, yet interdependent, elements: culture, mechanisms, architecture, and organization. Dive deep on each topic and learn more about practical applications. including Amazon Leadership Principles, Working Backwards, two-pizza teams, the PRFAQ doc, and why it’s always still Day 1 at Amazon and AWS. 

29 de septiembre de 2022, 10:00
29 de septiembre de 2022, 11:00
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